“Celebrate at these 5 Earth Week events happening this weekend on Aquidneck Island”

Will Richmond- Newport Daily News

Maybe it's fitting that Earth Day has become so much more than 24 hours over the years.

What was once an annual day to celebrate the Earth, has blossomed into occasions that last for a full week or month and that has certainly become the case here on Aquidneck Island.

While the official Earth Day is on April 22, community partners across Aquidneck Island have joined forces to create a week of environmentally-themed events. This year’s festivities include clean-ups, seedling sales, nature walks, workshops, films, lectures, and studio tours. 

In its fifth year, Aquidneck Island Earth Week is a collaborative effort between non-profits, committees, artists, businesses and residents to promote environmental awareness and action in the community. 

Read the rest of the article here.


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